A Green Christmas gets traction
2 min readOct 22, 2020
Thanks for all your fantastic ideas! Completely taken aback at the enthusiasm everyone is showing.I love the idea of asking theo what he can give, and that they be kind actions, helps us to move away from the current consumer driven christmas to what its 'all about', being kind to one another.Also the toilet roll holder ideas for decorations is really good, means I can spend time with Theo being creative (and I can actually do it, rather than make a whole toy!), they are getting stored up as we speak : )Yesterday we went to the beach with Mila, Theos friend, and they collected a lot of large seed pods, we took them home and painted some of them, but thought these would look great as a natural decoration - so going to try to weave this into our activities for the next few weeks.Lastly sally, your idea of a toy swap - SUCH a great one. I have messaged a group of parents as we are trying to organise a 'meet santa' where a friend of ours gets dressed up as santa and the kids get to meet him (as a lot of the traditional ones are cancelled here due to covid) and so I just suggested to them that instead of everyone buying a new present to give out, we each regift one of ours which isn't played with so much but has some good life still in it - it has got a great reponse!I feel like there are so many things that can be done around this festivity - the options are limitness. But the balance of expectation and sustainability is still a hard one to strike....